Monday, July 11, 2011

Thai Spiced Tofu

Tonights dinner was Thai Spiced Tofu, with a side of curried green beans and crusty bread. The picture, honestly, does not do the food justice! But lighting was off tonight and I was hungry! I left the tofu as a whole for about five to ten minutes to loose some of the water before slicing into about 1/4" thick slices and in half (to make my man feel like he's getting more food lol!). I personally feel like its easier to cut when some of the water is drained but purchasing extra firm tofu also helps to keep it together!
I cooked the about 2/3 lb of green beans in 1/3 cup of broth, 1 Tbsp sesame oil, and a small teaspoon of green curry. The original recipe called for thai red curry but we prefer green or yellow. The green beans cooked on medium heat for about 6-7 minutes, and then were set aside. 
The tofu was dipped in a marinade of: 
1.5 tsp green curry 
1.5 Tbsp oyster or fish sauce
 2.5 Tbsp of sugar
 And a little water to make the sauce less thick
 Quickly cover the tofu, and put in a pan of a small amount of sesame oil. Let the tofu cook for about 3 minutes on each side or until a nice golden brown.
And a slice of crusty bread as a side to a sweet and spicy meal!

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