Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stuffed Pasta Shells

Almost a year ago I started cooking dairy-free. After a couple months without pasta, I got a huge hankering for some ricotta stuffed pasta shells. Of course, I'd have to eat them by myself and I almost never cook just for myself - so instead of cheese - I stuffed the pasta shells with meat! I cooked ground turkey (beef works well also!) with my usual recipe that I use for meatballs:
Italian Spices
Finely chopped onion
Red Crushed Pepper
I cooked the meat about 3/4 of the way through while my shells soaked in some cold water. I took the meat of the stove and spooned a good tablespoon and a half into each shell. After all the shells were stuffed, I topped it off with pasta sauce - and putting my shells in a separate dish I added some light mozzarella cheese! The shells, sauce, and meat cooked for about another five minutes and then ready to eat!
This meal is great if you have some extra time on your hands one day but absolutely no time the next! I took about an hour and a half to prepare - with the TV on (lol) - but I have quite a few meals of leftovers!

Super excited about another meal this week - BLT soup! And it requires almost no cooking!

And sorry about the messy photo!

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