Friday, August 12, 2011

Thai Green Curry

Thai Green Curry is one of my favorite Thai dishes, besides yellow curry, because its sweet and spicy with a wonderful blend of kefir, lemongrass, and thai pepper flavors. It's actually pretty simple to make a good thai curry - although your flavors won't be truly authentic, you will make a very delicious meal!
You will need:
Chicken or tofu
Green curry paste (you can also use yellow quite similarly but the recipe for red curry is a bit different)
Coconut milk
Ginger or galangal
Kefir leaves (from a Kefir Lime tree) - this is optional but it gives a great flavor
Vegetables: I always use onion but carrot, potatoes, spinach, and peas are great additions to Thai alternatives. For a traditional green curry, there's usually Thai eggplant which is slightly larger than a pea but pretty similar.
Oil of your choice

I warmed up my largest pan with a good amount of oil to sautee two large chicken breast. I used flaxseed oil instead of my usual vegetable oil, as I try to include it in my cooking about once a week. If you didn't know, flaxseed oil is a great source of omega-3 and fiber which is suspected to help with inflammation, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
Cook your chicken about halfway and then add your garlic, ginger, and vegetables, unless you are cooking potatoes and large chunks of carrots. Continue cooking until about 3/4 of the way done, then add green curry paste and coconut milk to taste (you want to create a nice thick sauce for your meat and vegetables). Let simmer until your chicken is fully cooked. If you have kefir leaves, add them to your curry while you are simmering.
Serve over rice and enjoy!

Coming up next week: an Italian barley salad :)

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