Monday, August 1, 2011


No picture of the meatloaf tonight! If you have a crazy day where you need to cook, eat, and clean up after yourself (with a little time to spare to change!) in 40 minutes - this is the meal for you! I never actually had meatloaf growing up but Justin is from a midwest All-American family and its comfort food for him :)
This is actually his mom's recipe - although I've never measured anything for this recipe (makes things quicker - in my opinion!). For Justin and I, I pick up 1 lb of ground beef with the lowest fat content I can find (if you pick up a fattier piece of beef, you can cut down on the wet ingredients) which makes 1 dinner and a lunch for one person, although Justin is a big eater! Take your pound of beef with chopped onion and 1 cup of oatmeal per pound of beef in a mixing bowl. For 3-5% fat content, add about 2-3 tablespoons of ketchup and 2-3 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce. Mix your beef until ingredients are evenly dispersed and spread onto a baking pan (or even a baking sheet). I personally use a square glass baking pan - but that's like my one square pan lol.
Cook 1 lb of beef at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. You can also cook at a lower degree for a longer period of time - which would allow a slow roasting of the flavors - but I just did not have time tonight! The great thing about meatloaf is you have the option!
Within 40 minutes (10 to prep, 20 to cook, 10 to eat), you will be fed a great hearty meal!

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